home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #define P96 //SuRgEoN :for compatibility - still through cgfx
- #ifdef __PPC__
- #define MAXWIDTH 640
- #define MAXHEIGHT 480
- #else
- #define MAXWIDTH 512
- #define MAXHEIGHT 384
- #endif
- #define NUMFIELDS 19
- #define NUMWAVES 12
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- #include <proto/dos.h>
- #include <proto/intuition.h>
- #include <proto/graphics.h>
- #include <proto/cybergraphics.h>
- #include <proto/icon.h>
- #include <proto/keymap.h>
- #include <devices/timer.h>
- #include <proto/timer.h>
- #include <exec/devices.h>
- #include <workbench/startup.h>
- #include <dos/dostags.h>
- #include <graphics/gfxbase.h>
- #include <cybergraphx/cybergraphics.h>
- #include <libraries/picasso96.h>
- #include <clib/picasso96_protos.h>
- #ifdef __SASC
- struct Library *PPCLibBase;
- #include <PowerUP/PPCLib/tasks.h>
- ULONG PPCCallOS(struct Caos*);
- ULONG PPCSetTaskAttrs(void*, struct TagItem*);
- #define PPCSetTaskAttrs(TaskObject, Tags) _PPCSetTaskAttrs(PPC_BASE_NAME, TaskObject, Tags)
- static __inline ULONG _PPCSetTaskAttrs(void *PPCLibBase, void*TaskObject, struct TagItem*Tags) {
- struct Caos MyCaos;
- MyCaos.M68kCacheMode = IF_CACHEFLUSHALL;
- MyCaos.a0 =(ULONG) TaskObject;
- MyCaos.a1 =(ULONG) Tags;
- MyCaos.caos_Un.Offset = (-192);
- MyCaos.a6 =(ULONG) PPCLibBase;
- return((ULONG)PPCCallOS(&MyCaos));
- }
- #endif
- #include "TrackInfo.h"
- BOOL PluginInit(int argc, char **argv);
- void PluginExit(void);
- void PluginLoop(void); //mainloop for viasualization effects
- void ShowRequester(char *Text, char *Button);
- struct MsgPort *MyCreatePort(UBYTE *name, LONG pri);
- void MyDeletePort(struct MsgPort *mp);
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* This is the global variables section. Don't change anything here unless */
- /* you know what you're doing! */
- /***************************************************************************/
- BYTE PluginSignal, InfoSignal, ConfigSignal;
- ULONG PluginMask, InfoMask, ConfigMask;
- BOOL Accepted;
- struct Process *PluginTask;
- struct MsgPort *PluginMP;
- struct MsgPort *PluginRP;
- struct TrackInfo *tinfo;
- #ifdef __SASC
- struct Library *TimerBase;
- #else
- #ifdef __VBCC__ //SuRgEoN
- struct Library *TimerBase = NULL;
- #else
- struct Device *TimerBase;
- #endif
- #endif
- struct MsgPort *TimerMP;
- struct timerequest *TimerIO = NULL;
- struct EClockVal ev1;
- struct EClockVal ev2;
- BYTE TimerError = -1;
- ULONG EFreq=0;
- ULONG TimerMask;
- UWORD TrackInfoPos = 1;
- UWORD *PluginRawL;
- UWORD *PluginRawR;
- WORD *PluginSamples;
- UWORD *SpecRawL;
- UWORD *SpecRawR;
- WORD *SampleRaw;
- struct PluginMessage {
- struct Message msg;
- ULONG PluginMask;
- struct Process *PluginTask;
- UWORD **SpecRawL;
- UWORD **SpecRawR;
- UWORD Accepted;
- UWORD reserved0;
- ULONG InfoMask;
- struct TrackInfo **tinfo;
- ULONG ConfigMask;
- WORD **SampleRaw;
- };
- BOOL OpenTimer(void);
- void CloseTimer(void);
- void StartTimer(void);
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* This is the main part. Again, don't change anything here if you haven't */
- /* got a very good reason to do so! */
- /***************************************************************************/
- int main(int argc, char **argv) {
- struct PluginMessage *PluginMsg;
- struct PluginMessage *ReplyMsg;
- /* Allocate all user resources */
- if(PluginInit(argc, argv)) {
- /* Check if a plugin capable instance of AmigaAMP is running */
- if(PluginMP=FindPort("AmigaAMP plugin port")) {
- /* Allocate some sigbits for receiving signals FROM AmigaAMP */
- PluginSignal = AllocSignal(-1);
- ConfigSignal = AllocSignal(-1);
- InfoSignal = AllocSignal(-1);
- PluginTask = (struct Process *)FindTask(NULL);
- if(PluginSignal != -1 && InfoSignal != -1 && PluginSignal != -1) {
- PluginMask = 1L << PluginSignal;
- ConfigMask = 1L << ConfigSignal;
- InfoMask = 1L << InfoSignal;
- /* Allocate a message and reply port for sending messages TO AmigaAMP */
- #if defined (__SASC) || defined (__VBCC__) //SuRgEoN
- #ifdef __PPC__
- PluginMsg=PPCAllocVec(sizeof(struct PluginMessage), MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR);
- #else
- PluginMsg=AllocVec(sizeof(struct PluginMessage), MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR);
- #endif
- PluginRP=(struct MsgPort*)MyCreatePort(0,0);
- #else
- PluginMsg=AllocVecPPC(sizeof(struct PluginMessage), MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR, 0);
- PluginRP=(struct MsgPort*)CreatePort(0,0);
- #endif
- /* Tell AmigaAMP all the details it needs to know */
- PluginMsg->msg.mn_Node.ln_Type = NT_MESSAGE;
- PluginMsg->msg.mn_Length = sizeof(struct PluginMessage);
- PluginMsg->msg.mn_ReplyPort = PluginRP;
- PluginMsg->PluginMask = PluginMask;
- PluginMsg->PluginTask = PluginTask;
- PluginMsg->SpecRawL = &SpecRawL;
- PluginMsg->SpecRawR = &SpecRawR;
- PluginMsg->InfoMask = InfoMask;
- PluginMsg->tinfo = &tinfo;
- PluginMsg->ConfigMask = ConfigMask;
- PluginMsg->SampleRaw = &SampleRaw;
- PutMsg(PluginMP, (struct Message *)PluginMsg);
- /* Wait for a reply */
- WaitPort(PluginRP);
- /* Let's see if AmigaAMP accepted our registration attempt */
- if(ReplyMsg = (struct PluginMessage *)GetMsg(PluginRP)) Accepted=ReplyMsg->Accepted;
- else Accepted=FALSE;
- if(Accepted) {
- /* If it did, start the plugin loop */
- printf("Init ok! - entering plugin loop\n");
- PluginLoop();
- /* Tell AmigaAMP that this plugin is going down */
- PluginMsg->PluginMask = 0;
- PluginMsg->PluginTask = NULL;
- PluginMsg->SpecRawL = NULL;
- PluginMsg->SpecRawR = NULL;
- PluginMsg->ConfigMask = 0;
- PluginMsg->InfoMask = 0;
- PluginMsg->tinfo = NULL;
- PluginMsg->SampleRaw = NULL;
- PutMsg(PluginMP, (struct Message *)PluginMsg);
- /* Wait for confirmation before going on! */
- WaitPort(PluginRP);
- GetMsg(PluginRP);
- /* Now that AmigaAMP knows that we're gone, we can quit */
- }
- else {
- /* If AmigaAMP didn't accept us, tell the user about it */
- ShowRequester("Plugin rejected by AmigaAMP!\nPerhaps there's another one running.", "Abort");
- }
- /* Free all resources */
- #ifdef __SASC
- PPCFreeVec(PluginMsg);
- MyDeletePort(PluginRP);
- #else
- #ifndef PPC__ //SuRgEoN
- FreeVec(PluginMsg);
- DeletePort(PluginRP);
- #else
- FreeVecPPC(PluginMsg);
- DeletePort(PluginRP);
- #endif
- #endif
- }
- else {
- ShowRequester("Signal allocation failure!", "Abort");
- }
- if(PluginSignal != -1) FreeSignal(PluginSignal);
- if(ConfigSignal != -1) FreeSignal(ConfigSignal);
- if(InfoSignal != -1) FreeSignal(InfoSignal);
- }
- else {
- ShowRequester("Could not find message port!\nAmigaAMP probably not running.", "Abort");
- }
- }
- else {
- ShowRequester("Plugin initialisation failed!", "Ok");
- }
- /* Free all user resources */
- PluginExit();
- }
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* Ok, now for the individual plugin sourcecode. Everything below should be */
- /* changed to your needs. */
- /* Just like before, we start with the global variables section */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- void InitWave(UBYTE WaveNum, ULONG BufNum);
- void CalcWave(UBYTE WaveNum, ULONG BufNum);
- void DrawWave(LONG *WaveX, LONG *WaveY, ULONG Width, ULONG Height, UBYTE WaveNum, ULONG BufNum);
- void InitField(LONG *Zoom, ULONG Width, ULONG Height);
- void PrepareConstants(UBYTE FieldNum);
- void CalcLine(LONG *Zoom, ULONG Width, ULONG Height, UBYTE FieldNum);
- void MakeCMap(void);
- void Blur(UBYTE *PixelC, UBYTE *PixelD);
- void ReColor(void);
- void MakeTitle(void);
- float rnd(float max);
- float sgn(float val);
- const char VersionString[]="\0$VER: Subspace 1.1 (10.11.00)";
- const char Line1[]="Subspace";
- const char Line2[]="by Thomas Wenzel";
- struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase = NULL;
- struct GfxBase *GfxBase = NULL;
- struct Library *IconBase = NULL;
- struct Library *KeymapBase = NULL;
- struct Library *AslBase = NULL;
- struct Library *GadToolsBase = NULL;
- struct Library *CyberGfxBase = NULL;
- struct Library *P96Base = NULL;
- struct Screen *PluginScreen = NULL;
- struct Window *PluginWin = NULL;
- struct RastPort *rp;
- struct ViewPort *vp;
- struct EClockVal ev1;
- struct EClockVal ev2;
- ULONG WinMask;
- UBYTE *PixelD;
- UBYTE *PixelC;
- ULONG *Colour;
- UWORD *EmptyPointer;
- char InfoLine[256];
- ULONG MidR[4], MidG[4], MidB[4];
- ULONG DisplayFPS;
- ULONG ShowWave;
- #ifdef __PPC__
- ULONG ScreenSize = 100;
- #else
- ULONG ScreenSize = 60;
- #endif
- #ifdef PPC
- ULONG Width = 320;
- ULONG Height = 240;
- ULONG HalfHeight = 120;
- #else
- ULONG Width = 256; //256*192
- ULONG Height = 170; //120 with ScreenSize 80!
- ULONG HalfHeight = 70;
- #endif
- #ifndef __PPC__
- ULONG Woffset = 32; //32 for width 256
- #else
- ULONG Woffset = 0;
- #endif
- ULONG Cutoff = 1;
- ULONG InfoCount;
- ULONG FrameCountLow;
- ULONG FrameCountHigh;
- ULONG FrameCountWave;
- ULONG FrameCountField;
- ULONG TimeWave;
- ULONG DestWaveNum;
- ULONG DestWaveBuffer;
- float WaveMorph;
- ULONG MidRdst[3], MidGdst[3], MidBdst[3];
- ULONG LineToCalc;
- UBYTE FieldToCalc;
- UBYTE WaveToCalc, WaveToCalc0, WaveToCalc1;
- UBYTE PrevField;
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* This function will be called once when the plugin is started. You should */
- /* allocate all needed resources here. Return TRUE if all went well. */
- /****************************************************************************/
- BOOL PluginInit(int argc, char **argv) {
- long i,xs,ys,xd,yd,ysp,ydp;
- float xf,yf;
- UBYTE **ttypes = 0; //VBCC
- char *str;
- struct DiskObject *IconObj = NULL; //VBCC
- struct WBStartup *WBStart = NULL; //VBCC
- #ifdef __SASC
- void *ThisTask;
- #else
- struct TaskPPC *ThisTask;
- #endif
- WORD Length;
- #ifdef __PPC__
- struct TagItem ModeIDtags[] = {
- CYBRBIDTG_Depth, 8, CYBRBIDTG_NominalWidth, 320, CYBRBIDTG_NominalHeight, 240, TAG_DONE
- };
- #else
- struct TagItem ModeIDtags[] = {
- CYBRBIDTG_Depth, 8, CYBRBIDTG_NominalWidth, 320, CYBRBIDTG_NominalHeight, 200, TAG_DONE};
- #endif
- AslBase=OpenLibrary("asl.library", 0);
- if(!AslBase) {
- ShowRequester("Can't open asl.library!", "Abort");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- IconBase=OpenLibrary("icon.library", 0);
- if(!IconBase) {
- ShowRequester("Can't open icon.library!", "Abort");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- KeymapBase=OpenLibrary("keymap.library", 0);
- if(!KeymapBase) {
- ShowRequester("Can't open keymap.library!", "Abort");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- IntuitionBase=(struct IntuitionBase*)OpenLibrary("intuition.library", 0);
- if(!IntuitionBase) {
- ShowRequester("Can't open intuition.library!", "Abort");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- GadToolsBase=OpenLibrary("gadtools.library", 0);
- if(!GadToolsBase) {
- ShowRequester("Can't open gadtools.library!", "Abort");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- GfxBase=(struct GfxBase*)OpenLibrary("graphics.library", 0);
- if(!GfxBase) {
- ShowRequester("Can't open graphics.library!", "Abort");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- if(GfxBase->LibNode.lib_Version < 39) {
- ShowRequester("This plugin requires AmigaOS 3.0 or greater!", "Abort");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- CyberGfxBase=OpenLibrary("cybergraphics.library", 40);
- if(!CyberGfxBase) {
- ShowRequester("This plugin requires CyberGraphX v3 or higher!", "Abort");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- P96Base = OpenLibrary("Picasso96API.library",0);
- if(!P96Base) {
- ShowRequester("This plugin requires Picasso96", "Abort");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- #ifdef __SASC
- /* Increase the priority of the 68k mirror task */
- SetTaskPri(FindTask(NULL), 15);
- /* Increase our own priority (if it only would work...) */
- #else
- #ifdef __VBCC__
- // SetTaskPri(FindTask(NULL), 15);
- #else
- /* Increase our own priority */
- ThisTask = FindTaskPPC(NULL);
- SetNiceValue(ThisTask, -15);
- #endif
- #endif
- WBStart=(struct WBStartup *)argv;
- // if(argc==0) printf("IconName: %s\n", WBStart->sm_ArgList[0].wa_Name);
- if(argc==0) IconObj=GetDiskObject(WBStart->sm_ArgList[0].wa_Name);
- else IconObj=GetDiskObject(argv[0]);
- LimitFPS = 999;
- if(IconObj) {
- if(str=FindToolType(IconObj->do_ToolTypes,"MAXFPS"))
- {
- LimitFPS = atol(str);
- }
- if(str=FindToolType(IconObj->do_ToolTypes,"RESOLUTION"))
- {
- if(stricmp(str,"high") == 0) {
- Width = 640;
- Height = 480;
- ScreenSize = 66;
- }
- else {
- #ifdef __PPC__
- Width = 320;
- Height = 240;
- ScreenSize = 100;
- #else
- Width = 256;
- Height = 170;
- ScreenSize = 60;
- #endif
- }
- }
- if(str=FindToolType(IconObj->do_ToolTypes,"SCREENSIZE"))
- {
- ScreenSize = atol(str);
- }
- FreeDiskObject(IconObj);
- }
- if(ttypes=(UBYTE**)ArgArrayInit(argc, argv)) {
- str=(char*)ArgString(ttypes, "MAXFPS", "0");
- LimitFPS = atol(str);
- str=(char*)ArgString(ttypes, "RESOLUTION", "low");
- if(stricmp(str,"high") == 0) {
- Width = 640;
- Height = 480;
- ScreenSize = 66;
- ShowWave = 1;
- }
- else {
- #ifdef __PPC__
- Width = 320;
- Height = 240;
- ScreenSize = 100;
- #else
- Width = 256; //240
- Height = 170; //190
- ScreenSize = 60; //60
- #endif
- ShowWave = 0;
- }
- if(str=(char*)ArgString(ttypes, "SCREENSIZE", NULL)) {
- ScreenSize = atol(str);
- }
- ArgArrayDone();
- }
- if(LimitFPS == 0) LimitFPS = 999;
- if(LimitFPS > 999) LimitFPS = 999;
- if(ScreenSize < 25) ScreenSize = 25;
- if(ScreenSize > 100) ScreenSize = 100;
- Cutoff = Height * (100-ScreenSize) / 200;
- if(Cutoff < 1) Cutoff = 1;
- if(Cutoff > 200) Cutoff = 200;
- ModeIDtags[1].ti_Data = Width;
- ModeIDtags[2].ti_Data = Height;
- HalfHeight = Height/2;
- #if defined (__SASC) || defined (__VBCC__)
- #ifdef __PPC__
- PixelD = PPCAllocVec(Width*Height, MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR);
- PixelC = PPCAllocVec(Width*Height, MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR);
- Colour = PPCAllocVec(770*4, MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR);
- EmptyPointer = PPCAllocVec(512, MEMF_CHIP|MEMF_CLEAR);
- #else //68k
- PixelD = AllocVec(Width*Height, MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR);
- PixelC = AllocVec(Width*Height, MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR);
- Colour = AllocVec(770*4, MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR);
- EmptyPointer = AllocVec(512, MEMF_CHIP|MEMF_CLEAR);
- #endif
- #else
- PixelD = AllocVecPPC(Width*Height, MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR, 0);
- PixelC = AllocVecPPC(Width*Height, MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR, 0);
- Colour = AllocVecPPC(770*4, MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR, 0);
- EmptyPointer = AllocVecPPC(512, MEMF_CHIP|MEMF_CLEAR, 0);
- #endif
- OpenTimer();
- if(PixelD==NULL || PixelC==NULL) {
- ShowRequester("Out of memory for graphics buffers!", "Abort");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- srand(time(NULL));
- MidR[0] = 230;
- MidG[0] = 230;
- MidB[0] = 230;
- MidR[1] = 86;
- MidG[1] = 86;
- MidB[1] = 170;
- MidR[2] = 25;
- MidG[2] = 25;
- MidB[2] = 100;
- MidR[3] = 0;
- MidG[3] = 0;
- MidB[3] = 0;
- MidRdst[0] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>25) + 127;
- MidGdst[0] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>25) + 127;
- MidBdst[0] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>25) + 127;
- MidRdst[1] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>25) + 96;
- MidGdst[1] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>25) + 96;
- MidBdst[1] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>25) + 96;
- MidRdst[2] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>25) + 64;
- MidGdst[2] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>25) + 64;
- MidBdst[2] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>25) + 64;
- DisplayFPS = 0;
- InfoCount = 0;
- FrameCountLow = 0;
- FrameCountHigh = 0;
- FrameCountWave = 0;
- FrameCountField = 0;
- TimeWave = 0;
- DestWaveNum = 1;
- DestWaveBuffer = 1;
- WaveMorph = 0.0;
- LineToCalc = 0;
- WaveToCalc = 0;
- WaveToCalc0 = 0;
- // FieldToCalc = (UBYTE)(rand()>>24) % NUMFIELDS);
- // WaveToCalc1 = (UBYTE)(rand()>>24) % NUMWAVES);
- FieldToCalc = 0; //10=endblur;16=radial;2=tunnel
- WaveToCalc1 = 1;
- //1=tunnel;2=lines;3=radar;4=flower;5=solsweep;6=xx;7=chaoticlines;8=circwaves;9=occludinglines;10=quad;11=;
- // FieldToCalc = NUMFIELDS-1;
- // WaveToCalc1 = NUMWAVES-1;
- PrepareConstants(FieldToCalc);
- MakeCMap();
- #ifdef P96
- // ModeID=CModeRequestTagList(NULL, ModeIDtags);
- ModeID=p96RequestModeIDTagList(ModeIDtags);
- #else
- ModeID=BestCModeIDTagList(NULL, ModeIDtags);
- #endif
- if(ModeID == INVALID_ID) {
- ShowRequester("Could not find suitable screen mode!", "Abort");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- PluginScreen=OpenScreenTags(NULL, SA_DisplayID, ModeID, SA_Depth, 8, SA_Width, Width, SA_Height, Height, SA_SharePens, TRUE, SA_ShowTitle, FALSE, SA_Quiet, TRUE, TAG_DONE);
- if(PluginScreen == NULL) {
- ShowRequester("Could not open screen!", "Abort");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- rp = &PluginScreen->RastPort;
- vp = &PluginScreen->ViewPort;
- LoadRGB32(vp, Colour);
- PluginWin=OpenWindowTags(NULL, WA_CustomScreen, (ULONG)PluginScreen,
- WA_Left, 0,
- WA_Top, 0,
- WA_Width, Width,
- WA_Height, Height,
- WA_SizeGadget, FALSE,
- WA_DragBar, FALSE,
- WA_DepthGadget, FALSE,
- WA_CloseGadget, FALSE,
- WA_Backdrop, TRUE,
- WA_Borderless, TRUE,
- WA_Activate, TRUE,
- WA_AutoAdjust, TRUE, // Just to be sure :-)
- if(PluginWin == NULL) {
- ShowRequester("Could not open window!", "Abort");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- SetPointer(PluginWin, EmptyPointer, 1, 1, 0, 0);
- SetAPen(rp, 1);
- RectFill(rp, 0, 0, (Width-1), (Height-1));
- SetAPen(rp, 255);
- WinMask = 1L << PluginWin->UserPort->mp_SigBit;
- InitField(Zoom, Width, Height);
- MakeTitle();
- return(TRUE);
- }
- /******************************************************************************/
- /* This function will be called when the plugin is shut down. You should free */
- /* all previously allocated resources here. */
- /******************************************************************************/
- void PluginExit(void) {
- long i;
- if(PluginWin) CloseWindow(PluginWin);
- if(PluginScreen) CloseScreen(PluginScreen);
- #ifdef __SASC
- if(PixelD) PPCFreeVec(PixelD);
- if(PixelC) PPCFreeVec(PixelC);
- if(Colour) PPCFreeVec(Colour);
- if(EmptyPointer) PPCFreeVec(EmptyPointer);
- #else
- #ifdef __PPC__
- if(PixelD) FreeVecPPC(PixelD);
- if(PixelC) FreeVecPPC(PixelC);
- if(Colour) FreeVecPPC(Colour);
- if(EmptyPointer) FreeVecPPC(EmptyPointer);
- #else
- if(PixelD) FreeVec(PixelD);
- if(PixelC) FreeVec(PixelC);
- if(Colour) FreeVec(Colour);
- if(EmptyPointer) FreeVec(EmptyPointer);
- #endif
- #endif
- CloseTimer();
- if(CyberGfxBase) CloseLibrary(CyberGfxBase);
- if(P96Base) CloseLibrary(P96Base);
- // if(GfxBase) CloseLibrary(GfxBase);
- if(AslBase) CloseLibrary(AslBase);
- if(IconBase) CloseLibrary(IconBase);
- if(KeymapBase) CloseLibrary(KeymapBase);
- if(GadToolsBase) CloseLibrary(GadToolsBase);
- // if(IntuitionBase) CloseLibrary(IntuitionBase);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************/
- /* This is the main Plugin Loop. It will receive a signal matching PluginMask */
- /* each time new spectral data is ready. The data is stored in two arrays, */
- /* UWORD Spec[512] in structures DataL and DataR. The scale is logarithmic, */
- /* 0 means below -96dB, 65535 means 0dB. */
- /* No matter how long it takes until your plugin actually processes the data, */
- /* the memory referenced by the array pointers always remains valid! */
- /* */
- /* Your plugin loop MUST quit when it receives SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C. If you've */
- /* opened a window you should react to the close gadget as well. For full */
- /* screen plugins I strongly recommend checking the ESC key. */
- /*******************************************************************************/
- void PluginLoop(void) {
- struct TextExtent te;
- ULONG *PixelL = 0;
- UBYTE *ActPixel;
- ULONG Signals = 0;
- LONG i,j,k;
- LONG l,r;
- LONG x,y;
- UBYTE v;
- UWORD w;
- UBYTE ColorMode;
- ULONG hi,lo,itime,eclock;
- char FPStext[64];
- UBYTE Vanilla;
- struct InputEvent ie;
- WORD RawLen;
- printf("entering main loop\n");
- Wait(SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C | PluginMask);
- /* Make a backup of the data pointers */
- PluginRawL = SpecRawL;
- PluginRawR = SpecRawR;
- PluginSamples = SampleRaw;
- WritePixelArray(PixelC, 0, 0, Width, rp, Woffset, 0, Width, Height, RECTFMT_LUT8);
- Delay(100);
- StartTimer();
- InitWave(WaveToCalc0, 0);
- InitWave(WaveToCalc1, 1);
- for(;;) {
- /* Wait until there's something to do */
- Signals=Wait(SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C | PluginMask | ConfigMask | InfoMask | WinMask | TimerMask);
- if(Signals & TimerMask) {
- WaitIO((struct IORequest *) TimerIO);
- }
- /* Break received -> quit at once! */
- if(Signals & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C) break;
- /* Window close gadget hit -> quit as well! */
- if(Signals & WinMask) {
- struct IntuiMessage *imsg;
- BOOL done=0;
- while(imsg=(struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(PluginWin->UserPort)) {
- if(imsg->Class == IDCMP_RAWKEY) {
- ie.ie_Class = IECLASS_RAWKEY;
- ie.ie_SubClass = 0;
- ie.ie_Code = imsg->Code;
- ie.ie_Qualifier = 0;
- ie.ie_EventAddress = imsg->IAddress;
- RawLen = MapRawKey(&ie, &Vanilla, 1, 0);
- switch(imsg->Code) {
- case 0x45: done=1; break;
- }
- if(RawLen==1) {
- switch(Vanilla) {
- case 'f': DisplayFPS = 1-DisplayFPS; break;
- case 'w': ShowWave = 1-ShowWave; break;
- case 'i': InfoCount = 0; break;
- // case '+': Cutoff--; break;
- // case '-': Cutoff++; break;
- }
- if(Cutoff < 1) Cutoff = 1;
- if(Cutoff > HalfHeight-10) Cutoff = HalfHeight-10;
- for(i=0; i<Width*Cutoff; i++) {
- PixelC[i]=PixelD[i]=0;
- }
- for(i=Width*(Height-Cutoff); i<Width*Height; i++) {
- PixelC[i]=PixelD[i]=0;
- }
- }
- }
- ReplyMsg(imsg);
- }
- if(done) break;
- }
- if(Signals & TimerMask) {
- StartTimer();
- //printf("timer started\n");
- Blur(PixelC, PixelD);
- FrameCountLow++;
- if(FrameCountLow > 4) {
- FrameCountLow = 0;
- eclock=ReadEClock(&ev2);
- hi = ev2.ev_hi - ev1.ev_hi;
- lo = ev2.ev_lo - ev1.ev_lo;
- itime = hi*eclock+lo;
- if(itime==0) itime=1;
- ev1.ev_hi = ev2.ev_hi;
- ev1.ev_lo = ev2.ev_lo;
- ReColor();
- }
- FrameCountHigh++;
- if(FrameCountHigh > 600) {
- FrameCountHigh = 0;
- #ifndef __VBCC__
- ColorMode = (UBYTE)(rand()>>24) % 10;
- #else
- /*
- if(ColorMode==0)
- {
- MidR[0] = 255;
- MidG[0] = 220;
- MidB[0] = 200;
- MidR[1] = 170;
- MidG[1] = 96;
- MidB[1] = 170;
- MidR[2] = 10;
- MidG[2] = 100;
- MidB[2] = 52;
- ColorMode=1;
- }
- */
- /*
- if(ColorMode==0)
- {
- MidR[0] = 255;
- MidG[0] = 200;
- MidB[0] = 255;
- MidR[1] = 96;
- MidG[1] = 76;
- MidB[1] = 178;
- MidR[2] = 100;
- MidG[2] = 55;
- MidB[2] = 65;
- ColorMode=1;
- }
- */
- if(ColorMode == 0)
- {
- //blue
- MidR[0] = 230;
- MidG[0] = 230;
- MidB[0] = 230;
- MidR[1] = 86;
- MidG[1] = 86;
- MidB[1] = 170;
- MidR[2] = 25;
- MidG[2] = 25;
- MidB[2] = 100;
- ColorMode = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- //fire
- MidR[0] = 255;
- MidG[0] = 255;
- MidB[0] = 100;
- MidR[1] = 200;
- MidG[1] = 120;
- MidB[1] = 10;
- MidR[2] = 100;
- MidG[2] = 25;
- MidB[2] = 25;
- MidR[3] = 0;
- MidG[3] = 0;
- MidB[3] = 0;
- ColorMode = 0;
- }
- #endif
- printf("ColorMode: %d\n", ColorMode);
- #ifndef __VBCC__
- switch(ColorMode) {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- MidRdst[0] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>25) + 127;
- MidGdst[0] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>25) + 127;
- MidBdst[0] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>25) + 127;
- MidRdst[1] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>24) + 0;
- MidGdst[1] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>24) + 0;
- MidBdst[1] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>24) + 0;
- MidRdst[2] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>24) + 0;
- MidGdst[2] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>24) + 0;
- MidBdst[2] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>24) + 0;
- break;
- case 2:
- MidRdst[0] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>24) + 0;
- MidGdst[0] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>24) + 0;
- MidBdst[0] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>24) + 0;
- MidRdst[1] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>24) + 0;
- MidGdst[1] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>24) + 0;
- MidBdst[1] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>24) + 0;
- MidRdst[2] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>24) + 0;
- MidGdst[2] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>24) + 0;
- MidBdst[2] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>24) + 0;
- break;
- case 3:
- MidRdst[0] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>25) + 0;
- MidGdst[0] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>25) + 0;
- MidBdst[0] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>25) + 0;
- MidRdst[1] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>24) + 0;
- MidGdst[1] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>24) + 0;
- MidBdst[1] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>24) + 0;
- MidRdst[2] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>24) + 0;
- MidGdst[2] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>24) + 0;
- MidBdst[2] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>24) + 0;
- break;
- default:
- MidRdst[0] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>25) + 127;
- MidGdst[0] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>25) + 127;
- MidBdst[0] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>25) + 127;
- MidRdst[1] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>25) + 64;
- MidGdst[1] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>25) + 64;
- MidBdst[1] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>25) + 64;
- MidRdst[2] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>25) + 32;
- MidGdst[2] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>25) + 32;
- MidBdst[2] = (UBYTE)(rand()>>25) + 32;
- break;
- }
- #endif
- }
- CalcLine(Zoom2, Width, Height, FieldToCalc);
- LineToCalc++;
- if(LineToCalc > Height-1) LineToCalc = Height-1;
- FrameCountField++;
- if(FrameCountField > 500) {
- printf("FCF 500\n");
- FrameCountField=0;
- LineToCalc = 1;
- PrevField = FieldToCalc;
- #ifdef __VBCC__
- if(FieldToCalc == 0)
- FieldToCalc = 1;
- else if(FieldToCalc == 1)
- FieldToCalc = 2;
- else if(FieldToCalc == 2)
- FieldToCalc = 3;
- else if(FieldToCalc == 3)
- FieldToCalc = 4;
- else if(FieldToCalc == 4)
- FieldToCalc = 6;
- else if(FieldToCalc == 6)
- FieldToCalc = 7;
- else if(FieldToCalc == 7)
- FieldToCalc = 9;
- else if(FieldToCalc == 9)
- FieldToCalc = 10;
- else if(FieldToCalc == 10)
- FieldToCalc = 13;
- else if(FieldToCalc == 13)
- FieldToCalc = 14;
- else if(FieldToCalc == 14)
- FieldToCalc = 15;
- else if(FieldToCalc == 15)
- FieldToCalc = 16;
- else if(FieldToCalc == 16)
- FieldToCalc = 18;
- else
- FieldToCalc = 0;
- #endif
- #ifndef __VBCC__
- do {
- FieldToCalc=(UBYTE)(rand()>>24) % NUMFIELDS;
- } while (FieldToCalc == PrevField);
- #endif
- for(j=0; j<Width*Height; j++)
- {
- Zoom[j]=Zoom2[j];
- }
- printf("preparing field %d\n", FieldToCalc);
- PrepareConstants(FieldToCalc);
- }
- for(i=Width*Cutoff; i<Width*(Height-Cutoff); i++) {
- PixelC[i]=PixelD[Zoom[i]];
- }
- /* Make a backup of the data pointers */
- PluginRawL = SpecRawL;
- PluginRawR = SpecRawR;
- PluginSamples = SampleRaw;
- InfoCount++;
- if(InfoCount < 75) MakeTitle();
- else InfoCount=75;
- TimeWave++;
- FrameCountWave++;
- CalcWave(WaveToCalc0, 0);
- DrawWave(WaveX, WaveY, Width, Height, WaveToCalc0, 0);
- CalcWave(WaveToCalc1, 1);
- DrawWave(WaveX2, WaveY2, Width, Height, WaveToCalc1, 1);
- if(FrameCountWave > 200) {
- if(DestWaveBuffer == 1) WaveMorph += 0.015; //was 0.005
- else WaveMorph -= 0.015; //was 0.005
- }
- if (WaveMorph > 1.0) WaveMorph = 1.0;
- if (WaveMorph < 0.0) WaveMorph = 0.0;
- if(FrameCountWave > 400) {
- printf("FCW 400\n");
- FrameCountWave = 0;
- DestWaveBuffer = 1 - DestWaveBuffer;
- #ifdef __VBCC__
- if (WaveToCalc1 == 1)
- WaveToCalc1 = 5;
- else if (WaveToCalc1 == 2)
- WaveToCalc1 = 7;
- else if (WaveToCalc1 == 3)
- WaveToCalc1 = 11;
- else if (WaveToCalc1 == 4)
- WaveToCalc1 = 1;
- else if (WaveToCalc1 == 5)
- WaveToCalc1 = 2;
- else if (WaveToCalc1 == 7)
- WaveToCalc1 = 3;
- else
- WaveToCalc1 = 4;
- WaveToCalc0 = 0;
- InitWave(WaveToCalc1, 1);
- printf("initializing wave %d\n",WaveToCalc1);
- InitWave(WaveToCalc0, 0);
- #endif
- #ifndef __VBCC__
- do {
- WaveToCalc = (UBYTE)(rand()>>24) % NUMWAVES;
- WaveToCalc = NUMWAVES-1;
- } while (WaveToCalc == WaveToCalc0 || WaveToCalc == WaveToCalc1);
- if(DestWaveBuffer) {
- WaveToCalc1 = WaveToCalc;
- InitWave(WaveToCalc1, 1);
- }
- else {
- WaveToCalc0 = WaveToCalc;
- InitWave(WaveToCalc0, 0);
- }
- #endif
- }
- for(i=0; i<Width*2; i++) {
- float xf,yf;
- ULONG x,y;
- xf = (float)WaveX[i]*(1.0-WaveMorph) + (float)WaveX2[i]*(WaveMorph);
- yf = (float)WaveY[i]*(1.0-WaveMorph) + (float)WaveY2[i]*(WaveMorph);
- x = (ULONG)xf + Width/2;
- y = (ULONG)yf + Height/2;
- if(x < Width-1) {
- if(y < Height-1) {
- if(x > 0) {
- if(y > 0) {
- ActPixel = PixelC + y * Width + x;
- *ActPixel=255;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- SetAPen(rp, 0);
- /* if(ShowWave) WritePixelArray(PixelC, 1, Cutoff+1, Width, rp, 0, Cutoff+1, Width-2, Height-2*Cutoff-2, RECTFMT_LUT8);
- else WritePixelArray(PixelD, 1, Cutoff+1, Width, rp, 0, Cutoff+1, Width-2, Height-2*Cutoff-2, RECTFMT_LUT8);
- RectFill(rp, 0, 0, Width, Cutoff);
- RectFill(rp, 0, Height-Cutoff-1, Width, Height-1);
- */
- if(ShowWave) WritePixelArray(PixelC, 1, Cutoff+1, Width, rp, Woffset, Cutoff+1, Width-2, Height-2*Cutoff-2, RECTFMT_LUT8);
- else WritePixelArray(PixelD, 1, Cutoff+1, Width, rp, Woffset, Cutoff+1, Width-2, Height-2*Cutoff-2, RECTFMT_LUT8);
- RectFill(rp, 0, 0, Width, Cutoff);
- RectFill(rp, 0, Height-Cutoff-1, Width, Height-1);
- if(DisplayFPS)
- {
- Move(rp, 0, 20);
- SetABPenDrMd(rp, 255, 0, JAM2);
- sprintf(FPStext, "%3ld fps ", 5*eclock/itime);
- Text(rp, FPStext, 7);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void Blur(UBYTE *PixelC, UBYTE *PixelD) {
- UBYTE *ActPixel;
- UBYTE *DstPixel;
- UBYTE *AbovePixel, *BelowPixel;
- UBYTE Left, Act, Right;
- WORD w;
- ULONG i;
- PixelC += Width*Cutoff;
- PixelD += Width*Cutoff;
- ActPixel = PixelC+Width+1;
- AbovePixel = ActPixel-Width;
- BelowPixel = ActPixel+Width;
- DstPixel = PixelD+Width+1;
- Left = 0;
- Act = 0;
- Right = 0;
- for(i=Width*(Cutoff+1); i<(Width*(Height-Cutoff-2)-2); i++) {
- Right = *(ActPixel+1);
- w = (Right + Act + Left + *AbovePixel + *BelowPixel) * 3 / 16;
- if(w<0) w=0;
- *DstPixel++ = w;
- ActPixel++;
- AbovePixel++;
- BelowPixel++;
- Left = Act;
- Act = Right;
- }
- }
- void ShowRequester(char *Text, char *Button) {
- struct EasyStruct Req;
- Req.es_StructSize = sizeof(struct EasyStruct);
- Req.es_Flags = 0;
- Req.es_Title = "AmigaAMP Plugin";
- Req.es_TextFormat = (UBYTE*)Text;
- Req.es_GadgetFormat = (UBYTE*)Button;
- EasyRequestArgs(NULL, &Req, NULL, NULL);
- }
- BOOL OpenTimer(void) {
- struct EClockVal ev = {0,0};
- if(TimerMP=(struct MsgPort*)CreatePort(0,0)) {
- if(TimerIO=(struct timerequest *)CreateIORequest(TimerMP, sizeof(struct timerequest))) {
- TimerError=OpenDevice("timer.device", UNIT_ECLOCK, (struct IORequest *)TimerIO, 0);
- if(TimerError==0) {
- TimerBase = (struct Library*) &TimerIO->tr_node.io_Device->dd_Library;
- EFreq=ReadEClock(&ev);
- TimerMask = 1L << TimerMP->mp_SigBit;
- return(TRUE);
- }
- }
- }
- return(FALSE);
- }
- void CloseTimer(void) {
- if(!TimerError) CloseDevice((struct IORequest *)TimerIO);
- if(TimerIO) DeleteIORequest(TimerIO);
- if(TimerMP) DeletePort(TimerMP);
- }
- void StartTimer(void) {
- TimerIO->tr_node.io_Command = TR_ADDREQUEST;
- TimerIO->tr_node.io_Flags = 0;
- TimerIO->tr_time.tv_secs = 0;
- TimerIO->tr_time.tv_micro = EFreq/LimitFPS;
- SendIO((struct IORequest *)TimerIO);
- }
- struct MsgPort *MyCreatePort(UBYTE *name, LONG pri) {
- int sigBit;
- struct MsgPort *mp;
- if((sigBit = AllocSignal(-1L)) == -1) return(NULL);
- mp = (struct MsgPort*) AllocVec(sizeof(struct MsgPort), MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR);
- if(!mp) {
- FreeSignal(sigBit);
- return(NULL);
- }
- mp->mp_Node.ln_Name = name;
- mp->mp_Node.ln_Pri = pri;
- mp->mp_Node.ln_Type = NT_MSGPORT;
- mp->mp_Flags = PA_SIGNAL;
- mp->mp_SigBit = sigBit;
- mp->mp_SigTask = FindTask(NULL);
- if(name) AddPort(mp);
- #if defined (__SASC) || defined (__VBCC__)
- else NewList(&(mp->mp_MsgList));
- #else
- else NewListPPC(&(mp->mp_MsgList));
- #endif
- return(mp);
- }
- void MyDeletePort(struct MsgPort *mp) {
- if(mp->mp_Node.ln_Name) RemPort(mp);
- mp->mp_SigTask = (struct Task *) -1;
- mp->mp_MsgList.lh_Head = (struct Node *) -1;
- FreeSignal(mp->mp_SigBit);
- FreeVec(mp); mp=NULL;
- }
- void InitField(LONG *Zoom, ULONG Width, ULONG Height) {
- LONG i,xs,ys,xd,yd;
- float scale,greater;
- float xsf,ysf,xdf,ydf;
- float rsf,tsf,rdf,tdf;
- float wf,hf;
- wf=(float)Width;
- hf=(float)Height;
- greater=1.0;
- if(wf > greater) greater = wf;
- if(hf > greater) greater = hf;
- scale = 1.0 / (greater/2.0);
- for(yd=0; yd<(Height); yd++) {
- for(xd=0; xd<(Width); xd++) {
- xdf = (xd - wf/2.0) * scale;
- ydf = (yd - hf/2.0) * scale;
- xsf = xdf - xdf * 0.075;
- ysf = ydf - ydf * 0.075;
- xs = xsf/scale + wf/2.0;
- ys = ysf/scale + hf/2.0;
- if(xs < Width/2) xs++;
- if(ys < Height/2) ys++;
- if(xs < 0) xs = 0;
- if(xs > Width) xs = Width;
- if(ys < 0) ys = 0;
- if(ys > Height) ys = Height;
- Zoom[Width * yd + xd] = Width * ys + xs;
- }
- }
- }
- void MakeCMap(void) {
- int j,i,c;
- float r,g,b;
- float rs,gs,bs;
- r=255; g=255; b=255;
- c=255;
- Colour[0]=256L<<16+0;
- for(j=0; j<4; j++) {
- rs = (r - (float)MidR[j]) / 64.0;
- gs = (g - (float)MidG[j]) / 64.0;
- bs = (b - (float)MidB[j]) / 64.0;
- for(i=0; i<64; i++) {
- Colour[1+3*c+0] = (ULONG)r << 24;
- Colour[1+3*c+1] = (ULONG)g << 24;
- Colour[1+3*c+2] = (ULONG)b << 24;
- r -= rs;
- g -= gs;
- b -= bs;
- c--;
- }
- }
- }
- void MakeTitle(void) {
- long x,y,i,p,s,v,xs,ys;
- UWORD Blt1[27] = {
- 0x7008,0x0000,0x0000,0x8808,0x0000,0x0000,0x822B,0x1963,
- 0x8E38,0x722C,0xA590,0x5144,0x0A28,0x9913,0xD07C,0x8A28,
- 0x8514,0x5040,0x8A68,0xA594,0xD144,0x71AF,0x1963,0x4E38,
- 0x0000,0x0100,0x0000
- }; // W=46, H=9
- UWORD Blt2[54] = {
- 0x8001,0xF400,0x0000,0x0101,0x0000,0x0080,0x8000,0x4400,
- 0x0000,0x0111,0x0000,0x0080,0xB220,0x458E,0x7638,0xC111,
- 0x3967,0x9C80,0xCA20,0x4651,0x4905,0x2092,0x4590,0xA280,
- 0x8940,0x4451,0x493C,0xC0AA,0x7D11,0x3E80,0x8940,0x4451,
- 0x4944,0x20AA,0x4112,0x2080,0x8880,0x4451,0x494D,0x2044,
- 0x4514,0x2280,0xF080,0x444E,0x4934,0xC044,0x3917,0x9C80,
- 0x0100,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000
- }; // W=89, H=9
- xs = (Width-46)/2;
- ys = Height/2-30-9;
- s=0;
- for(y=0; y<9; y++) {
- x=0;
- for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
- for(p=0; p<16; p++) {
- x++;
- v = Blt1[s] & (1<<(15-p));
- if(v) PixelC[(ys+y)*Width+xs+x] = 255;
- }
- s++;
- }
- }
- xs = (Width-89)/2;
- ys = Height/2+30;
- s=0;
- for(y=0; y<9; y++) {
- x=0;
- for(i=0; i<6; i++) {
- for(p=0; p<16; p++) {
- x++;
- v = Blt2[s] & (1<<(15-p));
- if(v) PixelC[(ys+y)*Width+xs+x] = 255;
- }
- s++;
- }
- }
- }
- void ReColor(void) {
- #ifndef __VBCC__
- int i;
- for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
- if(MidR[i] > MidRdst[i]) MidR[i] --;
- if(MidG[i] > MidGdst[i]) MidG[i] --;
- if(MidB[i] > MidBdst[i]) MidB[i] --;
- if(MidR[i] < MidRdst[i]) MidR[i] ++;
- if(MidG[i] < MidGdst[i]) MidG[i] ++;
- if(MidB[i] < MidBdst[i]) MidB[i] ++;
- }
- #endif
- MakeCMap();
- LoadRGB32(&PluginScreen->ViewPort, Colour);
- }
- float rnd(float max) {
- ULONG r;
- ULONG m;
- m = (ULONG)(max * 10000.0);
- r=(rand()>>8) % m;
- return (float)r/10000.0;
- }
- float sgn(float val) {
- if(val > 0.0) return 1.0;
- if(val < 0.0) return -1.0;
- return 0.0;
- }
- float trnc(float value) {
- return ceil(value);
- }
- #ifdef __SASC
- void SetPriority(void) {
- struct TagItem MyTags[2];
- if(PPCLibBase=OpenLibrary("ppc.library",0)) {
- MyTags[0].ti_Data = 15;
- MyTags[1].ti_Tag = TAG_END;
- CloseLibrary(PPCLibBase);
- }
- }
- #endif